Member-only story
Six Steps to Closet Organization
Welcome to early spring 2020! It’s the most wonderful time of the year for all of us who love fresh starts. Amid all the new year, new you suggestions, we’re bringing you clear instruction for getting a handle on the place that can sometimes make or break your day. That’s right, we’re talking closet organization. This is your chance to Do. Something. About. It. Don’t worry too much — we’re right here, holding your hand. (Virtually, of course.)
Even better, our step-by-step guide to closet organization in today’s blog is going to naturally lead you to wardrobe evaluation, our topic for the next blog. Yes, we’re also going to help you decide whether to love it or lose it (or list it or upcycle it or donate it — we’ll also give you some hints on which to choose and where to go). Those pajama pants that you have to safety pin around your waist? Parting won’t be sweet sorrow. As Beyonce famously said, we’re gonna upgrade you.
Because fundamentally, you deserve to feel good and look good. It’s not about spending a lot, either; it’s about caring a little more for you, letting go of things that don’t serve you, and making room for things that do. Feeling your best in things that flatter you can change your day — or at least give you extra courage to face it.
But first, you have to find those things and put them front and center.